Lecturers Innovations

Last Update 17/02/2023

Digital Humanities Fikom Unpad
Data Science to Reduce Human Trafficking in Indonesia

Digital Humanities Fikom Unpad

In 2020, a research team consisted of two lecturers from the Communication Science Study Programme lecturers and one lecturer from the Television and Film Study Programme, which are Dr. Evie Ariadne Shinta Dewi, M.Pd., Benazir Bona Pratamawaty, M.I.Kom., and Putri Limilia, M.Si, competed in the 2020 Digital Humanities Hackathon competition held by Indonesia Cyber Media Association and sponsored by the Netherland Embassy of Indonesia. The research team has succeeded in being the top five winners of the competition. The competition aimed to promote the digital presentation of public data in the socio-humanities field. Furthermore, this competition aimed to encourage cross-collaboration among the media, NGO, and higher education academia. There were 25 participants from various backgrounds of expertise who presented their original ideas to generate digital socio-humanities data (digital humanities). Digital humanities provide enables more accessible data and information for policymakers, media, and the public.

Fikom Unpad’s research team was a participant with the group code “R Team” and performed a project to present digital socio-humanities data titled “Data Science to Reduce Human Trafficking in Indonesia”. This project made it one of the best five winners of the 2020 Digital Humanities Hackathon. The project aimed to provide more accessible data and information regarding human trafficking cases in Indonesia to the public as a data centre. The project was considered to be urgent and significant since there was no data centre for human trafficking cases which was definitive, integrated, and accessible to the public yet. The project output was a website which present data on human trafficking cases in Indonesia including the number of cases, type of cases per province, government public communication, opinion leaders on the human trafficking issue mapping on social media, and annual data on human trafficking case trends per province. For more information on the project, please visit the website at http://digitalhumanities.fikom.unpad.ac.id. (Ed)